Monday 21 August

08h30                          Arrivals

09h00                          Welcome and Introductions

09h30                          Training objectives and methodology

09h45                          What is Relational Proximity?

10h30                          Tea

11h00                          Session 1 continued

12h30                          Lunch

13h30                          Session 2: The 5 dimensions and why?

15h00                          Tea

15h15                          Session 3: Which relationships and why?                

16h30                          Close

 Tuesday 22 August

08h30                          Arrivals

09h00                          Recap and feedback

09h30                          Session 4: Choice of Questionnaire, Interviewees and Data Collection Method

10h30                          Tea

11h00                          Session 5: Calculation and Presentation of Results

12h30                          Lunch

13h30                          Session 6: Interpretation of Results

15h00                          Tea

15h15                          Session 7: Possible Forms of Intervention

16h15                          Accreditation & Certification (Relational Practitioners)

17h00                          Close